LI-COR Biosciences is a leading biotechnology innovator of imaging systems, analysis software, infrared reagents, and consumables for targeted therapeutics, protein studies, and small animal imaging. LI-COR provides complete research solutions for quantitative Western blots with the Odyssey® Infrared Imaging Systems, Empiria Studio® Software, and IRDye® infrared reagent dyes. In addition to drug discovery and microbiome research technology, our global team of scientists also offers data integrity tools, laboratory best practices, and professional training in an effort to help scientists improve the human condition and solve the challenges that are facing humanity.
The LI-COR technology is unique in the way it captures and analyses proteins and DNA/RNA molecules as all images are captured using the same optical settings. Users don’t need to rely on “autoexposure” or to alter exposure time or laser intensity to obtain non-saturated images.
All that provides you with several advantages, including:
• Industry leading, true six-log dynamic range
• High sensitivity with no detector saturation in biologically relevant samples
• Single acquisition data capture, in record time
• Uniform illumination across the entire imaging area
• Multiplexed imaging with several color options
• Empiria Studio® Software for consistent, in-depth analysis
The family of imagers scientists around the world from academic (+25.000 publications) or private laboratories have trusted for more than 20 years to deliver exceptional data quality.
For more information, please visit
Odyssey M
The Odyssey M fills the role of a Western blot imager, plate reader, slide scanner, luminescence imager, and more. Perform membrane-, plate-, gel-, and slide-based assays–all on one system.
Prepare your lab for the future with 18 imaging channels in dozens of combinations, including near-infrared and visible fluorescence, bio- and chemiluminescence, and RGB true color. Provide your team with the versatility to adapt to a multitude of research options. Multiple detection modes with up to 18 fluorescent and luminescent channel combinations to power a wide range of assays
• 3-Color Quantitative Western Blots
• 3-Color In-Cell Western™ Assays
• Screening (Cell-based Assays – live or fixed cells)
• Cell Analysis Studies
• Tissue Section Imaging (up to 5-micron resolution)
• Viral Titration Assays
• and much more…
Saving you up to 59% by eliminating the need to purchase multiple imagers and it can also free up bench space.
Odyssey DLx
A complete data analysis solution with powerful, precise laser excitation and specialized optics enabling high signal-to-noise ratios and outstanding image quality. See both strong and faint signals clearly in a single image acquired on the Odyssey DLx, with great sensitivity and no image saturation. Multiplex with two fluorescent colors to see even more data. A unique and powerful blend of robust NIR imaging technologies for a host of high-quality assays:
• Quantitative Western Blots
• In-Cell Western Assays
• Viral Titration Assays
• Tissue Section Imaging
• and many more…
Odyssey XF
Image your near-infrared (NIR) and enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) Western blots, detect multiple targets on the same blot with two channel multiplex fluorescence, and document DNA gels all on the same imager, without juggling multiple instruments. Increase the consistency and accuracy of your Western blot results by capturing a single image, without comparing multiple exposures or changing camera settings. The patented FieldBrite™ XT2 optics that power the Odyssey XF allow you to get the best image every time.
Two modes, NIR fluorescence and chemiluminescence, cover your essential lab assays.
• Quantitative NIR Western Blots
• Chemiluminescent Western Blots
• Protein Gels
• Nucleic Acid Gels
• And more…
Pearl Trilogy
Small Animal Imaging system (in vivo, ex vivo) to characterize and monitor therapeutic delivery and response using a sensitive, two-target detection platform. Ex-vivo intraoperative visualization for rapid and accurate Image-Guided Surgery.
• Longitudinal studies with the highest accuracy and quantification
• Bioluminescence Imaging
• 2x Sensitive NIR Fluorescence Imaging
• Biodistribution and Clearance
• Bone imaging
• Target Specificity & Therapeutic Delivery
• And more…
The preferred imager for scientists and clinicians for high signal-to-noise ratios for sharp detection of tumours, or other targets, deep within the body. The Pearl Trilogy couples NIR lasers with filter technology to achieve a stable source of precise and powerful illumination. This leads to sharp excitation light within narrow wavelengths, causing minimal diffusion across the imaging field (CVs < 3%).
Some experiments, such as longitudinal studies, require moving animals in and out of the imaging area. During Image-Guided Surgery, biopsies need to be imaged with identical settings without saturation and without compromising sensitivity. The FieldBrite™ Xi2 system in Pearl Imagers is designed to provide uniform illumination for every image. Whether your experiment requires repeated imaging of 1 mouse or 20 mice, the camera settings are consistent for each capture—without needing readjustment.
C-DiGit® Blot Scanner
The C-DiGit Blot Scanner delivers modern, industry-standard digital imaging technology at a price friendly to budget-conscious programs. It eliminates expenses like hazardous processor chemicals, film, and recycling fees and it fits in a small drawer.
• Membrane applications with Chemiluminescence detection (Western Blot, Southern Blot)
• Results are immediately available for analysis, and a single file contains all the image data from a single blot.
Ideal for labs with limited space, who want to quit dark rooms and expensive equipments. Ideal for student classes, preparing them with relevant skills and empowering them with the hands-on experience and knowledge they need to stand out in competitive job markets and graduate programs.
D-DiGit® DNA Gel Scanner
Complete nucleic acid gel analysis documentation without hassles and hazards. Excellent sensitivity provided by the optical system and fluorescence chemistry lets you detect even minute quantities of sample with confidence.
The D-DiGit Gel Scanner enables safe and convenient detection and extraction of DNA and RNA samples stained with fluorescent safe stains that have an excitation maximum of approximately 490 nm and emission greater than 520 nm. See a list of compatible safe stains.
Documents PDF en téléchargement
* accessoire pour fluorescence x - accessorie X-ray fluorescence
* accessoire pour spectrométrie IR et IRTF - IR and FTIR spectrometry accessorie
* acide aminé - amino acid
* acide nucléique - nucleic acid
* activité enzymatique - enzymatic activity
* actualité scientifique - Scientific news
* analyse annexine V - annexin V assay
* analyse ARN - RNA Analysis
* analyse biologique - biological analysis
* analyse cellulaire - cell analysis
* analyse de données et de graphiques (logiciels) - data analysis and graphics (software)
* analyse du cycle cellulaire - cell cycle assay
* analyse images - image analysis
* analyse immuno-enzymatique - enzyme immuno assays
* analyse microbiologique - microbiological analysis
* analyse protéines - protein analysis
* analyse protéomique - proteomics analysis
* analyse sans marquage - label-free analysis
* analyse spectrométrie - Spectrometry analysis
* analyse spectrophotométrique - spectrophotometry analysis
* analyseur produits PCR - PCR system
* anesthésie (appareil) - anesthesia (hardware)
* animal matériel chirurgie - surgery equipment for animal
* animal matériel expérimentation - animal experimentation material
* animalerie (appareil) - animal facilitie (equipment)
* anti-tumoral - anti-tumor
* anticorps - antibodies
* anticorps couplé - antibody coupled
* anticorps polyclonal à façon - polyclonal antibodie (service)
* anticorps purifié - purified antibody
* anticorps secondaire anti espèce - antibodies secondary
* audit de laboratoire - laboratory audit service
* électrophorèse matériel ADN - DNA electrophoresis instruments
* électrophorèse matériel protéines - protein electrophoresis instruments
* électrophorèse solutions prêtes emploi - ready-to-use electrophoresis gels
* épigénétique - epigenetics
* étude in vitro - in vitro studies
* étude in vivo - in vivo studies
* bactériologie (appareil et réactif) - bacteriology (instrument and reagent)
* biologie (réactif) - biology (reagent)
* biologie moléculaire (appareil) - molecular biology (instrument)
* biologie moléculaire (réactif) - molecular biology (reagent)
* bioluminescence - bioluminescence
* bioluminescence (appareil) - bioluminescence (instrument)
* bioluminescence (réactif) - bioluminescence (reagent)
* biomarqueur - biomarker
* biopsie de peau - skin biopsy
* biotechnologie (appareil et réactif) - biotechnology (instrument and reagent)
* biotechnologie (appareil) - biotechnology (instrument)
* biotechnologie (réactif) - biotechnology (reagent)
* caméra CCD - CCD imager
* caméra numérique scientifique refroidie couleur, noir et blanc - cooled digital scientific cameras colour, black and white
* chambre noire - darkroom
* chémiluminescence - chemiluminescence
* chemiluminescence - chemiluminescence
* clonage - cloning
* colorant fluorescent - fluorescent dye
* colorimètre - colorimeters color analyser
* consommable de fluorescence X - consumable for X-Ray fluorescence
* consommable de laboratoire - laboratory consumable
* contrôle réglementaire - regulatory control
* criblage haut débit HTS - High Throughput Screening HTS
* culture cellulaire (appareil) - cell culture (instrument)
* culture cellulaire en 3d - 3D cell culture
* développement de méthodes - development of methods
* doctorants, post-doctorants - doctoral students, post-docs
* dosage ADN - DNA assay
* dosage de la caspase - caspase assay
* dosage protéine - protein quantification
* drug discovery - drug discovery
* ECL réactif de blocage - ECL Blocking Reagent
* ELISA (kit) - ELISA (kit)
* exosome - exosome
* expertise scientifique - scientific expertise
* expression de proteine - cell-free protein
* expression de proteine en systeme acellulaire - cell-free protein synthesis
* expression protéine membranaire - membrane cell-free
* film autoradiographie - autoradiography film
* fluorescence - fluorescence
* génomique - genomics
* GFP analyse de efficacité de transfection - GFP Transfection efficiency assay
* histologie - histology
* histologie (appareil) - histology (equipment)
* image (analyse) - image (analysis)
* imagerie cellulaire en temps reel - live cell imaging
* imagerie cellulaire haut débit - High Content Imaging
* imagerie de cellules vivantes - live cell imaging
* imagerie in vivo - in vivo imaging
* imageur - imager
* immuno - fluorescence - immuno-fluorescence
* immuno essais - immunoassay
* immunogénécité - immunogenicity
* immunogénicité évaluation in vitro - in vitro immunogenicity assessment
* immunologie - immunology
* Interférence ARN - RNA interference
* interférométrie de biocouches (BLI) - Bio-layer interferometry (BLI)
* Kit biologique - Biological kit
* kit cellulaire de toxicologie - cell culture kit for toxicology
* kit de détection - detection assay kit
* kit de diagnostic - diagnostic kit
* kit de diagnostique viral / bactérien - viral / bacterial diagnostic kit
* kit enzymatique - enzymatic kit
* kit immuno-enzymatique - immuno-enzymatique kit
* lame et lamelle - slide and lamella
* laser - laser
* lecteur de boites - plates reader
* lecteur de microplaques - microplates reader
* lecteur de microplaques en fluorescence - fluorescence microplate reader
* lecteur de plaque - plate reader
* lecture ELISA - ELISA reading
* logiciel analyse images - image analysis software
* logiciel de développement de méthode - method development software
* logiciel scientifique - scientific software
* luminescence (appareil) - luminescence equipment
* luminomètre - light meter
* luminomètre pour microplaque - luminescence microplate reader
* marquage fluorescent - fluorescent labeling
* marqueur de poids moléculaire protéine électrophorèse - electrophoresis protein molecular weight marker
* membrane de nitrocellulose - nitrocellulose membrane
* membrane PVDF - PVDF membrane
* mesure de cinétique - cinetic measurements
* microplaque pour luminescence - Luminescence microplate
* numérisation de lame, système pour la - slide scanning, system for
* omique - omics
* oncologie - oncology
* optimisation d’anticorps - antibody optimisation
* protéine - protein
* protéine phosphorylée - phosphorylated protein
* protéine purification - protein purification
* protéine recombinante - recombinant protein
* protéomique - proteomics
* puce à ADN / ARN - DNA chip
* quantification ADN - DNA quantification
* quantification produit PCR - PCR prduct quantification
* recherche médicale - medical research
* SAV maintenance des appareils - instrumentation maintenance and after sales service
* séchage par infra rouge - infrared dryers
* scanner - scanner
* screening haut débit - technologie HCS - High Content Screening HCS
* signal de chimiluminescence amélioré - enhanced chemiluminescence signal
* solution tampon pour immunoassay - buffer solutions for immunoassays
* spectrométrie NIR - NIR spectrometry
* substrat biochimique - biochemical substrate
* substrat immunologique - immunological substrate
* support technique / conseil - technical support / consulting
* système imagerie macroscopique - Macroscopic imaging system
* test cellulaire in-vitro - in vitro cell test
* thérapie ARN - RNA therapy
* thérapie cellulaire - cell therapy
* thérapie ciblée - target therapy
* thérapie génique - gene therapy
* transcription in vitro - in vitro transcription
* transilluminateurs - transilluminators
* western blotting - western blotting
Nikolaos PARISIS, PhD
+33 623 49 74 77 |
lMonday to Friday, 8h to 17h
1110 visites depuis 01 juillet 2024