Who is Samplix?
Samplix ApS empowers the life sciences and medical research communities with cutting-edge droplet microfluidics-based solutions. Our mission is to enhance the resolution and throughput of single-cell analysis, screening, and molecular engineering workflows, providing researchers with unparalleled insights into single cells and genomes.
Samplix's technology is designed to enable researchers to achieve high-throughput single-cell insights while using established instruments such as flow cytometers. By precisely encapsulating single cells into millions of double-emulsion droplets, this technology paves the way for a myriad of high-resolution downstream analyses, from assessing single-cell functional heterogeneity to advancing genomics research.
What is Xdrop?
The Xdrop is an advanced droplet microfluidics instrument designed for single-cell compartmentalization within droplets. These droplets allow cells to be cultured and assayed while retaining secreted proteins or molecules. What sets our platform apart is its unique capability to analyze and sort these droplets using flow cytometers and sorters, making it particularly suited for cell function assays.
How does Xdrop work?
Xdrop technology specializes in generating flow cytometry-compatible double emulsion droplets. This capability significantly expands the range of assays possible in flow cytometers and sorters, allowing not only the analysis of single cells but also their secreted molecules.
This enables high-throughput analysis of secreted antibodies, cytokines, and other proteins confined within the droplets. Furthermore, it facilitates the study of cell-cell interactions and enables the performance of cell killing assays, which is particularly impactful in advancing immunotherapy.
Xdrop is an encapsulator that utilizes droplet microfluidic technology to encapsulate single cells, organelles, or DNA fragments along with assay chemistry within highly stable, flow cytometry-compatible droplets. Xdrop enables high-throughput functional analysis in a single-cell format.
Xdrop Sort is a droplet generator and sorter that builds upon the capabilities of Xdrop. In addition to encapsulating single cells, organelles, or DNA fragments within stable, flow cytometry-compatible droplets, Xdrop Sort includes high-throughput fluorescent-activated droplet sorting capabilities.
Xdrop Surf is a patented, high-performance biocompatible fluorinated surfactant designed to stabilize picodroplets.
Documents PDF en téléchargement
* analyse cellulaire - cell analysis
* analyse de cellules - cell analysis
* analyse quantitative cytométrie de flux - flow cytometry quantitative analysis
* anticorps - antibodies
* émulsification - emulsification
* émulsion - EMULSION
* cellule CAR-T - CAR-T cell
* criblage - screening
* cytokine - cytokine
* cytotoxicité - Cytotoxicity
* dépistage anticorps - antibody screening
* développement d’anticorps - antibody development
* développement de lignée cellulaire (prestation) - cell line development (services)
* double emulsion - double-emulsion
* encapsulation - encapsulation
* génomique - genomics
* génomique (appareil) - genomics (instrument)
* génomique (réactif) - genomics (reagent)
* gouttelette - droplet
* gros matériel laboratoire - laboratory equipment
* immunothérapie - immunotherapy
* microfluidique - microfluidic
* mise au point - development
* prestation de service - service
* séquençage anticorps - antibody sequencing
* séquençage de cellule unique - single cell sequencing
* tensioactif cationique - surfactant
* thérapie cellulaire - cell therapy
* unicellulaire - single cell
Amandine Laurent
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