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CS 30158

Takara Bio Europe is a wholly owned subsidiary of Takara Bio Inc., who develops, manufactures, and distributes a wide range of life science reagents under the Takara™, Clontech®, and Cellartis® brands.

Key products include SMART cDNA synthesis kits for a variety of samples and applications, including NGS, high-performance qPCR and PCR reagents (including the Takara Ex Taq®, Takara LA Taq®, Titanium®, and Advantage® enzymes), Cellartis stem cells and stem cell reagents, RT enzymes and SMART library construction kits, the innovative In-Fusion® cloning system, Guide-it gene editing tools, Tet-based inducible gene expression systems, and Living Colors® fluorescent proteins.

Recently, Takara Bio acquired Rubicon Genomics and WaferGen Bio-systems. As part of the Takara Bio family, they expand our NGS portfolio as well as add R&D, manufacturing, and support for automation systems for NGS and qPCR applications. Takara Bio’s portfolio supports applications including NGS, gene discovery, regulation, and function studies, as well as genetic analysis, protein expression and purification, gene editing, stem cell studies, and plant and food research. For more information, visit takarabio.com.


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TAKARA BIO EUROPE a choisi ses mots clés en lien avec son activité :

* antibiotique - antibiotic
* anticorps monoclonal à façon - monoclonal antibodie (service)
* anticorps secondaire anti espèce - antibodies secondary
* enzyme - enzyme
* enzyme de modification biologie moléculaire - modification enzyme for molecular biology
* enzyme de PCR - PCR enzyme
* enzyme de PCR de haute fidelite - High fidelity PCR enzyme
* enzyme de restriction biologie moléculaire - restriction enzyme for molecular biology
* enzymologie (réactif) - enzymology (reagent)
* kit enzymatique - enzymatic kit
* PCR en temps réel (réactif) - real time PCE (reagent)
* qPCR (Real-Time PCR) - qPCR (Real-Time PCR)
* séquençage next generation (NGS) - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Historique des articles présentés dans la Gazette du LABORATOIRE

JUILL/AOUT 2022 Gros plan sur la plateforme de génomique lilloise LIGAN-PM, la première en France équipée du nouveau système cellulaire unique ICELL8cx - Takara Bio
SEPTEMBRE 2020 Takara Bio, mondialement reconnu pour la grande qualité de ses enzymes, et autres gammes de réactifs et d’instruments en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, poursuit son développement au plus près des chercheurs

Contacts :
Takara Bio Europe
+33 (1) 39 04 68 80

Horaires et jours d'ouverture :
lundi au vendredi 8h30-18h30

Partager :

795 visites depuis 23 janvier 2024